Friday, 20 November 2009

Code Freeze?

There's a Code Freeze happening today at Bob Industries, but predictably, Bob is nowhere to be found and the deadline has already passed. Perhaps he's celebrating the release of our latest product a little early.

We'll be sure to update you when we know more, but for now Bob is missing, presumed drunk.

Honorary Acting Technical Director In Chief Deskcake is standing in the wings, ready to push the button.

Thursday, 12 November 2009

Uh-oh! Someone's spiked the office coffee.

Looks like Drunk Bob's been getting up to his old antics again! It appears he's been drunkenly devilish and spiked Gordon's morning beverage. Precisely what he's spiked it with I can't be sure, but I've got my suspicions.

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Tuesday, 10 November 2009

Drunk Bob is feeling the Christmas spirit a little early

Well, I'm just lost for words. An anonymous source has just sent in the clip below. It looks as though Drunk Bob's been hitting the eggnog pretty early this year, and the only explanation for this is that said eggnog is laced with acid.

Check out Bob's killer moves below and be amazed at what pouring vodka on your cornflakes in the morning will do to you.

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Monday, 9 November 2009

Lunchtime drinking is like swine flu - it's very contagious

After last week's coup de cupcake that saw Bob (temporarily) overthrown in a managerial capacity by Deskcake, we are seeing a slightly frightening trend emerging. This week, it seems the H1N1 bug of daytime drinking has infected Neil! Neil, you will know, is the other sanctimonious writer of HDIB and rarely partakes in works-related drinking (unless I moan, whine and bribe with gossip). He's been out in the pub since lunch and has yet to return! He's attempting to (drunkenly) summon me to the pub as well, but thanks to the heavy rotation of NHS ads regarding swine flu drinking, I'm staying well away!

Neil isn't on his own - joining him in his Monday afternoon repartee of cocktails is Ian (of How Divorced is Ian fame). Ian joins Neil today after much (and by much I mean none at all) arm twisting. I think they make a beautiful co-dependent pair, what do y'all think?

Just remember dudes, if your hangovers don't get you, sausage cat will.

Wednesday, 4 November 2009

Crisis in the office!

Oh noes! We urgently need the input of a middle management type here at Bob's work, but Bob is nowhere to be found. We've scoured the office, looked under the fridge in the canteen, and even in the seventh circle of hell that is the gents toilets.

So in a brave show of courage, DeskCake has stepped forward as Honorary Acting Technical Director In Chief until Bob can be found. Or replaced, whichever is cheaper.

I, for one, welcome our new frosting encrusted overlord.

Update: It seems Bob might be in the pub. Odd how we never thought to look there.

Does Bob look hawt in this dress?

How drunk is Bob?