Monday 9 November 2009

Lunchtime drinking is like swine flu - it's very contagious

After last week's coup de cupcake that saw Bob (temporarily) overthrown in a managerial capacity by Deskcake, we are seeing a slightly frightening trend emerging. This week, it seems the H1N1 bug of daytime drinking has infected Neil! Neil, you will know, is the other sanctimonious writer of HDIB and rarely partakes in works-related drinking (unless I moan, whine and bribe with gossip). He's been out in the pub since lunch and has yet to return! He's attempting to (drunkenly) summon me to the pub as well, but thanks to the heavy rotation of NHS ads regarding swine flu drinking, I'm staying well away!

Neil isn't on his own - joining him in his Monday afternoon repartee of cocktails is Ian (of How Divorced is Ian fame). Ian joins Neil today after much (and by much I mean none at all) arm twisting. I think they make a beautiful co-dependent pair, what do y'all think?

Just remember dudes, if your hangovers don't get you, sausage cat will.


  1. PS: Drunk Bob is feeling very superior at the moment.

  2. That are so not... hic... true!

  3. I'd like to correct Ker's comment to: Totally sober bob is feeling very superior at the moment.


Does Bob look hawt in this dress?

How drunk is Bob?