Wednesday 21 October 2009


This just in: Bob is OFF the wagon!!!

An eye witness reported that Bob was out drinking late last night, despite having vowed that he would "only be having one". It seems one turned into five, but the blame was placed firmly on Kerry, who as a regular contributor to HDiB can only be described as a 'bad influence'.

Questioning Bob about the incident, it seems she 'twisted his arm'. Literally and physically. Ouch! Kerry responded, saying that Bob told her to, and adding "Bob is definitely an acoholic [sic]".

Bob replied "Takes one to know one", to which Kerry retorted "I'm rubber, you're glue".

We feel this one might run and run.

Tuesday 20 October 2009

One foot on the wagon

In a surprise twist, Bob's been pretty much mostly sober this week, so we've resorted to making stuff up instead.

Here's a picture of a giant KerryLobster attacking a tiny HappyDrinkingBob.

Wednesday 14 October 2009

The shocking truth

It has come to light that there may be a more sinister reason for Bob's current vacation than was previously thought.

Within the comments section of the following video...

...the following comment was recently discovered.

We wish you well with your recovery, Mrs Bob.

Monday 12 October 2009


Bob met up with an old friend at rehab his hotel yesterday. HDIB can exclusively reveal the whereabouts of Deskcake, the former blogger missing in action since August.

The details of Deskcake's disappearance, arrest and subsequent involuntary clinical hotel stay are currently sketchy, but we'll bring you the news as it breaks.

Stay tuned to HDIB.

Rehab: Update

Drunk Bob's just been in touch to give us worried folks an update on how he's getting on! We're so happy to hear from Drunk Bob especially as he sounded in good spirits.

The ahem resort he's staying at is apparently very relaxing and peaceful. Bob's had a group meeting this morning so he got to meet a lot of new people. The group leader however, has a disconcertingly soothing voice that is sort of freaking him out.

The people at the resort are making him wear this tshirt around - he's not quite sure why but apparently it'll help him feel better (although Bob suspects that Pepto Bismal would be better than a tshirt - curry night did not agree with him). Anyway, Bob sends his love and a picture of said tshirt - maybe someone out there could explain this?


In a last, desperate attempt to curb his drinking, Bob's wife has taken him away on a week-long intervention holiday. Bob posed for a quick photo shoot outside the hotel. We wish Bob luck. Maybe he'll send us a postcard.

Friday 9 October 2009

Drunk Bob is on a Booze Vacay

Since Bob has been on a booze hiatus for the past couple of days, we have a Drunk Bob analogue standing in for him. Ladies and gentlemen of the internets, I bring you DAVE!

Yep, that's right. Dave has surpassed Bob's recent efforts and has been out on the piss for two days, culminating in today's mid-morning nap sesh right at his desk. He will now have to spend the rest of the day fixing the code he just wrecked - which looks a little like this:
'code code code code code coooode zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz............................ *headbang on desk*'

As a treat for mostly myself, and since Bob refused to let me to do this in real life (I had to settle for a lame sign saying WAKE UP DAVE! You're fired!) I give you an image of what Dave should have looked like when he finally woke up. Please check my mad MS Paint skillz. Oh yeah bitches!

Thursday 8 October 2009

Drunk Bob turns into Drag Bob

Uh oh! Bob's at it again - and this time he has props! Seems Bob was so overcome by my chat about buying a dress for a wedding that he just up and got himself an awfully pretty dress. He also would like everyone to start referring to him as The Great Bobbina - Queen of the Drunkards, but mostly on Saturday nights.

There is a bit of a problem though, I bought the same dress - and I think Bob looks HAWT in it. What say you?

Tuesday 6 October 2009

Drunk Bob in action

An anonymous reader has sent in these amazing pictures of Bob in the wild.

Just say no

Here's a friendly word of advice for Bob to help him through the day.

Monday 5 October 2009

Drinking with Bob

Ever wanted to go drinking with Bob? Well now you can.
Don't miss his "Global warming is a myth" rant, it's a doozy!

Disclaimer: May in fact be a completely different Bob. Who knows.

How drunk is Bob?

Today, Bob's been drinking for four hours (and counting).

How drunk is Bob?

Does Bob look hawt in this dress?

How drunk is Bob?