Monday 12 October 2009

Rehab: Update

Drunk Bob's just been in touch to give us worried folks an update on how he's getting on! We're so happy to hear from Drunk Bob especially as he sounded in good spirits.

The ahem resort he's staying at is apparently very relaxing and peaceful. Bob's had a group meeting this morning so he got to meet a lot of new people. The group leader however, has a disconcertingly soothing voice that is sort of freaking him out.

The people at the resort are making him wear this tshirt around - he's not quite sure why but apparently it'll help him feel better (although Bob suspects that Pepto Bismal would be better than a tshirt - curry night did not agree with him). Anyway, Bob sends his love and a picture of said tshirt - maybe someone out there could explain this?

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Does Bob look hawt in this dress?

How drunk is Bob?